Spellography Teacher Lesson Book D
Spellography teaches spelling concepts explicitly, systematically, cumulatively, and enjoyably! A perfect complement to your current reading and language arts program, Spellography was designed to help all students make sense of the English spelling system and become better at understanding, reading, and writing words.
Using a structured language approach, students will learn:
- Phoneme awareness and syllable stress patterns (phonology)
- Sound-spelling associations (phone-grapheme correspondence)
- Syllable spelling patterns and combinations
- Prefix, root, and suffix constructions (morphology)
- Sentence structure (syntax)
- Parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs)
- Idioms, figures of speech, and more
The Spellography curriculum is divided into four books, A-D. Each book takes roughly half of a school year to complete. You are currently viewing Book D, which includes Units 19-24.
The advanced word study within Spellography Book D helps guide students’ access to content words they will encounter in literature, science and math. Students revisit hard/soft g and c in multisyllable Latin and Greek-based words and complex vowel-r spellings. Then, they delve into assimilated prefixes and derivational suffixes. Unit 24 concludes Book D by investigating mathematical language as a model for how to apply word study to content instruction.